Forum For African Women Educationalists (FAWE)
Uganda Chapter

Good School Kit

Over the years, FAWE Uganda has learned from the annual VAC learning convening’s to work with evidence-based models and strategies on ending violence against children like the INSPIRE framework.
The INSPIRE framework clearly spells out the seven proven strategies and evidence-based and tested models on ending violence against children. Under the education and life skills strategy of the INSPIRE, the Good School Tool kit approach by Raising Voices is one of the evidence-based models that promote the safety of children in and around school setting.
Raising voices is the only organization whose research findings provide evidence of how the good school tool kit model contributes to a significant reduction of violence against children. Currently, Good School Tool Kit is being used in over 750 schools in diverse regions of the country. Schools using the toolkit are connected with each other through an exchange platform, the Peer Learning Network (PLN).
FAWE Uganda, has, therefore, adapted the good school tool kit in 30 project schools, i.e., 18 primary and 12 secondary schools in Ntoroko, Kasese and Bundibugyo districts. Each school is supported with the tool kit and funds to implement good school activities.