Forum For African Women Educationalists (FAWE)
Uganda Chapter

Skillful Parenting

The Skillful Parenting Model is a trade mark of Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS); an NGO that works in rural areas of Africa with families, communities and other stakeholders to create safe and nurturing environments for children to reach their full potential.
The model has been implemented for over 8 years and it has recorded remarkable success.
The model is delivered through a semi-structured curriculum containing 9 modules (Family relations, Roles of a skillful parent; Mental Health, Self-esteem and Self-care, Values and Discipline, Communication, Child Protection; Family Budgeting Bonding and attachment, and Nutrition).
The model is delivered alongside economic empowerment in agri-business programmes to strengthen family support for children’s needs. The ‘Skillful Parenting Model’ empowers parents and caregivers to adopt positive ways of raising and nurturing children through; the provision of emotional, physical, and social needs of their children.
The VAC project adapted the VSLA model where the same parenting groups are coached on its formation, management and sustainability.