FAWE Uganda is seeking for professional to provide photography, videography, documentaries
and live streaming services of the various activities of the FAWE Uganda @ 25 activities.
Response Due Date and Time
28th February 2022 by 4:30 pm
1. Background
Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Uganda Chapter is one of the 34 National
Chapters of Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), a pan African Non-
Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 1992 by five women ministers of education to
promote girls’ and women’s education in Africa. FAWE Uganda was established in 1997 with the
goal of accelerating female participation in education and closing the gender gap within the
education system at all levels in Uganda. FAWEU’s vision is “A Ugandan Society where Girls
and Women Lead Dignified Lives.” Mission is “To Enhance Opportunities for Girls to Attain
Quality Education and Skills through Sponsorship, Social Protection, Institutional Strengthening
and Advocacy.”
FAWE Uganda will be celebrating 25 years of enhancing Girls’ and women’s education for
In order to raise awareness about the Silver Jubilee celebrations, the impact that has so far been
contributed, the situation of the Girl child in Uganda and what FAWE Uganda plans to do to in
ensuring Girl child education is supported, FAWE Uganda is seeking a photography and
videography consultant to assist in media material development.
2. Purpose of the Assignment
FAWE Uganda is seeking for professional to provide photography, videography, documentaries
and live streaming services of the various activities of the FAWE Uganda @ 25 activities.
FAWE Uganda was established in 1997 with the goal of accelerating female participation in education and closing the gender gap within the education system at all levels in Uganda.