Higher Education Access Program
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Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Uganda Chapter in partnership with Forum for African Women Educationalists Regional Secretariat (FAWE RS) and Mastercard Foundation are implementing, an eight-year (2016 – 2024) Higher Education Access Program to enable 300 young women and men (70% female and 30% male) from economically disadvantaged regions of Uganda access, and transition through higher education and secure employment in sectors that contribute to the development of their communities and country.
The Higher Education Access Program (HEAP) is focused on providing bursaries to 300 academically able students from economically disadvantaged regions and districts of Uganda; to access and complete higher education, design and implement a (pilot) pre-entry bridging program to provide second chance opportunities for promising students to transition into university degree programs and provide academic and psycho-social support and facilitate pathways for students to internships, industrial practice and employment.
Why partner with the Mastercard Foundation
Through FAWE, Mastercard Foundation is sponsoring 334 students in a bid to bridge the gap between the poor and rich. Mastercard Foundation works with visionary organizations to provide greater access to education, skills training and financial services for people living in poverty, primarily in Africa.
As one of the largest, independent foundations, its mission is to advance learning and promote financial inclusion in order to alleviate poverty. Based in Toronto, Canada, its independence was established by Mastercard when the Foundation was created in 2006.
The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program is developing Africa’s next generation of leaders. The program allows students whose talent and promise exceed their financial resources to complete their education. With a vision that education is a catalyst for social and economic change, the program focuses on developing leaders who are trans-formative, encouraging them to be active contributors in their communities. The Program provides financial, social, and academic support to Scholars. Financial support includes, but is not limited to, tuition fees, accommodation, books, and other scholastic materials.
334 (206 Female and 128 Male) enrolled in the program.
221(135 Female and 86 Male) have successfully graduated from the program since 2017.
190 (92 Female and 98 Male) have secured employment in the formal and informal sectors.
15(4 Female and 11 Male) out of the 221 who graduated from the program have transitioned to Higher Education training.
The HEAC is accredited by the NCHE and the Ministry of Education and Sports as a 4th entry route to the University education.
11 public and private Universities that have adopted the HEAC program (Gulu, Busitema, MUST, Bishop Stuart, Uganda Martyrs Nkozi, Lira, Soroti, Ndejje, Mountain of the Moon, Kabale, and UCU.
60 (26 Female & 34 Male) HEAC pioneer students supported at Busitema University. All 60 students successfully completed, graduated, and enrolled in normal university degree programs.
Enhanced the capacity of the partner learning institutions to adopt the HEAC program through Curriculum development training, provision of basic learning HEAC reference materials, and Gender Responsive Pedagogy training.
Popularized the Extended Orientation Program (EOP) to the partner Learning institutions.
Equipped the Alumni with job acquisition and retention skills through conducting the job readiness programs as the program participants prepare for the competitive employment world.
Initiated developed and maintained strong working relationships with program stakeholders such as the NCHE, District Education Officers, Ministry of Education and Sports, National Curriculum Development Center, partner learning institutions, and the media.
Provided career coaching, guidance, and psychosocial support to the program participants through the mentorship program at the partner learning instituitions.
Program Participants Giving Back to the Community
295 (226F and 69M) program participants from the 5 partner institutions participated in the international MasterCard Foundation give-back day during the month of November 2019. Learners engaged in a number of activities including; visiting prisons; donating basic necessities like salt, sugar and basins to the less privileged, and sensitizing the public about Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in communities. This has resulted in the formation and strengthening of give-back associations at institutions and district levels.
Beneficiary Testimonials

Sarah Kutesa
I thank FAWE Uganda for the far it has brought me since 2017 when my former teacher brought me a newspaper that had an advert from FAWE Uganda calling for applications for scholarships.

Legkwo Felix Adupe
I am a graduate with a Second Class Upper (CGPA of 4.35) degree in a Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering (majoring in the areas of food processing, water-both water quality analysis and Wastewater treatment, renewable energy, environment and health)

Rosetta Lokol Ayaa
At that moment, someone from the school called to let me know that the process of taking photographs for registration was almost done. I was now desperate. I tried asking my aunt for transport but she did not have one.

During my senior six vacation, I took on a job working at a secondary school. They would give me UGX 100,000 which I saved for my university admission as my parents could no longer support me financially. They had already struggled through O’ Level where they had to provide 50% of the school fees.
Covid-19 Lockdown Testimonials

Entrepreneurship Enabled Me Create Employment Opportunities In My Community
My life journey transformation started when FAWE Uganda took us through the Extended Orientation Program (EOP) hosted at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) for two weeks.

Income from Art works helped take care of my family during the covid-19 pandemic
I grew up talented and with the dream of helping my Mother who was solely responsible for raising us up. When I joined secondary school, I became creative in different aspects of Art.

I engaged in entrepreneurship to support my family
Following the little savings, I was left with when schools closed due to the Corona Virus pandemic. I started the pancake-making business.

I am engaging in mushroom production to support my family
As a result, I thought of ways I could keep myself busy and productive to my family especially in terms of being able to support provide some basic necessities like food and other individual things I may need.